Session 4 Year 2 Production Project

Nature Landscape” by Claudel Rheault/ CC0 1.0



Level Design – SOLO

Intention (SMART Goal) for the Session

By Mar. 8th, as the LEVEL DESIGNER for MYSELF I will learn how to generate terrain in Unity, by following Sebastian Lague’s Procedural Landmass Generation Tutorial for Session 4.


Leader(s) in the Field / Exemplary Work(s)

Primary Source

I’ve been in awe of the level design since I started playing Elden Ring a month ago. Everything is so well planned out and polished down to the smallest, most out of the way cave.

Secondary Source

This guy was a level designer for Mass Effect Andromeda, and there’s like a good ten minutes worth of useful content in here.

Training Source(s)


The (FILM, SOUND, or GAME Creation)–Ca0amKe3ODVDkaPCQgqMzo/edit#slide=id.p


21st Century Skills

Ways of Thinking (Creativity, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving)

I learned a few different ways to control my expectations and also frustration when things didn’t work out. This also forced me to fix these issues, thus brushing up my skill in problem solving.

Ways of Working (Communication & Collaboration)

I talked to the person in my head and he convinced me to stay focused like Remy from Ratatouille.

Tools for Working (Info & Media Literacy)

I used a variety of online resources including YouTube tutorials, StackExchange, Quora, and a multitude of other forums.

Ways of Living in the World (Life & Career)

I learned how to manage my workflow to be more efficient and focused. I also continued to hone my problem-solving skills as I have in previous sessions.

Reactions to the Final Version

Nellie Hughes, the Xbox Design Director at Microsoft, said that I should check out GDC Talks. She also said that procedural level generation was the future, and I was doing well to learn about it.

Self-Evaluation of Final Version

I’m not entirely happy with what I have this time. I ended up with a couple errors that I still don’t quite know how to fix myself. I hope that I can find time in the future to fix these problems and fully accomplish my goals.

Grammar and Spelling

I used the Grammarly web extension.


Wynne P.

Year 2 Session 3 Week 3 Work-log ———- Sunshower ———-


Watched C# tutorial series, learned about methods, classes and loops.

What I Did This Week

I watched Brackeys’ tutorial series on the basic parts of C# coding, and used my new knowledge to write a script that generates a wizard similar to his example.

How I Did It

I stored the information for the different parts of a wizard (spells, exp, name) in a class, and then called the class to make an instance of a wizard in Main. The wizard can cast spells, and gain exp from it.

What I Learned

I learned about loops, arrays, functions, and classes in C#, and how each one works and interacts with each other. This was more of a refresher course for me because I had already learned these things at some point but my memory was hazy due to lack of use. Though I will say, classes were something that I didn’t really know much about so it was cool to learn how they can store things and be called on so I don’t have to type out the contents every time I want another wizard or similar thing.

Problems I Solved

mistyped string as sting in the wizard class and I didn’t realize for like 10 minutes. Once I fixed that it actually worked.

What Was the Result (Picture/Video)

This here is a class, which stores the info for the creation of an instance of a wizard. It saves me time having to type it out every time I want a new wizard.

How on/off Track Was I?

If this was a normal week I would’ve preferred to get more done, but since it was a 3 day week due to break, I think it was a good reentry, and I hope to pick up the pace come Monday.