Year 2 Session 3 Week 3 Work-log ———- Sunshower ———-


Watched C# tutorial series, learned about methods, classes and loops.

What I Did This Week

I watched Brackeys’ tutorial series on the basic parts of C# coding, and used my new knowledge to write a script that generates a wizard similar to his example.

How I Did It

I stored the information for the different parts of a wizard (spells, exp, name) in a class, and then called the class to make an instance of a wizard in Main. The wizard can cast spells, and gain exp from it.

What I Learned

I learned about loops, arrays, functions, and classes in C#, and how each one works and interacts with each other. This was more of a refresher course for me because I had already learned these things at some point but my memory was hazy due to lack of use. Though I will say, classes were something that I didn’t really know much about so it was cool to learn how they can store things and be called on so I don’t have to type out the contents every time I want another wizard or similar thing.

Problems I Solved

mistyped string as sting in the wizard class and I didn’t realize for like 10 minutes. Once I fixed that it actually worked.

What Was the Result (Picture/Video)

This here is a class, which stores the info for the creation of an instance of a wizard. It saves me time having to type it out every time I want a new wizard.

How on/off Track Was I?

If this was a normal week I would’ve preferred to get more done, but since it was a 3 day week due to break, I think it was a good reentry, and I hope to pick up the pace come Monday.

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