Year 2 Session 3 Week 2 Work Log – Sunshower


Watched perlin noise terrain gen tutorial, learned things about it, wrote some code.

What I Did This Week

I watched a tutorial from Sebastian Lague about Procedural Landmass Generation. My goal for this week was to watch parts of this series to learn how he used the built in perlin noise feature to generate randomized terrain.

How I Did It

I watched his overview and the first video in the tutorial, following what he did, and started upon the creation of my own iteration inspired by his design.

What I Learned

I learned how perlin noise differs from regular noise, and how you can edit the amplitude and frequency of the noise to change the shape of the resulting terrain. Additionally, I learned the concept of layering multiple iterations of perlin noise on top of each other to generate more realistic terrain. I also learned some more concepts of the usage of C#, and picked up some nifty new lines of code to accomplish things I was previously unable to do because of my lack of knowledge.

Problems I Solved

I fixed multiple lines of code as I went along because I inevitably forgot a semicolon on line 14, and typed some variable wrong somewhere.

Luckily nothing big this week.

What Was the Result (Picture/Video)

This was the basic code defining the perlin noise used to generate terrain, and establishes a few parameters for it.

How on/off Track Was I?

I don’t really have a set end date for this project, so I’m telling myself that as long as I stay on task I’m on track. Could’ve been better, but I was busy helping Le Duc create this template.

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